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Hot or Rain I’m Still Here

Crystal H.Vo

Hot or rain it does not matter. When a woman needs to practice her speech, no weather could stop her! Lol It was quite sunny here in Southern California around noon yesterday. It must have been in the hundredth of Fahrenheit Degrees...I walked down from my cool and comfortable office to an almost like a hot and burning oven in the parking lot. I looked around for shaded areas, not many insight though. Some people stayed inside their cars under the shades, so I looked for other shades because I didn’t want to disturb them. There I was standing between two parked cars under a small shade with a notebook in one hand and a cellular phone on the other to practice a speech I’m about to deliver exactly a week from yesterday. Ever since I was in college, I have always taken speeches seriously. I always make sure looking professional and practicing my speeches to almost memorizing them. They mean very much to me because as a youngster I wasn't allowed to speak nor voiced my opinion. Therefore, having a platform to speak is equivalent to having a voice and a second chance to be heard in life. Besides speaking in a Toastmaster club, I also deliver a short announcement at my monthly staff meetings and teach public speaking to my coworkers sometimes during Lunch and Learn we have at work monthly. It gives me many chances to practice of the becoming a professional speaker. I’m looking forward to delivering many more eloquent speeches and making some extra income to support my family better. I am happy and grateful for the opportunities! Thank You. P.S. I found this lucky penny in the parking lot after I finished practicing the speech and on my way back to work. It was quite hot laying there on the ground. I picked it up and placed it on a small yet lovely counter in my office where I keep a few inspirational keepsakes. I need a little luck. Who doesn’t? 😊

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