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I’m officially a Toastmaster Member

Crystal H.Vo

I’m happy and grateful for joining Toastmaster again last night. I was a devoted member who showed up every Sunday afternoon for two consecutive years in 2010-2012. I knew public speaking is what I love and passionate about. The reason I stopped so I can focus on writing which is also my passion. In March this year, I published my second book entitled Finding My Voice - A Journey of Hope. It took me a long time to find out what kind of writing suited me the most. Now I know It would be non-fiction based on struggles and triumphs. The purpose of my writing and speaking are to motivate and inspire others. It is also the main reason of my existence. I’ll probably stay with Toastmaster for a very long time. Perhaps, I will only stop when my body refuses to function. I’m looking forward to delivering many speeches around the globe 🌎. Thank You for the opportunities! 🙂

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