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Crystal H.Vo

Visiting Toastmaster International Club

After work yesterday, my coworker, Kit and I attended a Toastmaster International Club located just a few miles from our company. I’m happy and thankful for her companionship! It was a two-hour meeting, but the time seemed to pass quickly regardless how tired I felt due to lack of sleep. I love the structure of this club which seems very organized. Everyone was friendly and professional. One of the members named Wendell reminded me of my former Toastmaster member named Ed who are both in their mid-80s, but they seemed very well sharp and articulated. Wendell delivered a long and eloquent speech of 11 minutes which he won as the best presenter for the night. When it comes to table topic, the subject is Independence, everyone was asked to answer a question at the spot. They had to think and answer no less than one minute. Wendell was quick to answer with well-organized thought. This proves that as long as you keep your mind active, age has a very little effect on the memory loss.

I was active in the Toastmaster International club for two years. I left to pursue writing my first couple books. I’m now back and dedicate my time to master the art of speaking and sharing my story worldwide. I’m very happy and thankful for looking forward to participating in the public speaking!

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