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Nothing Comes to Me Without a Struggle

Crystal H.Vo

Some people achieve fame and success with ease, while others struggle all their lives. I am the latter type. Nothing ever comes to me without a struggle. Take building a website for example. For many years, I tried to have one without success. I even paid someone online, but they didn't deliver it right. Then I took a semester in college without a good result. I did it myself by using Wordpress, but I didn't know how to protect it, so I got a lot of unwanted messages on my site. Finally, I just let it go. Without thinking much about having my site, comes along and gives me back the dream I once lost years ago. I still need a couple of weeks to decorate it as pleasant as I can.

Owning a website to a passionate writer is like owning a home to a homeless. I am looking forward to living comfortably and happily in this new house for as long as possible. I cannot Thank You enough for all the blessings! ❤️

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